A teaser trailer is a short version of a movie trailer that is designed to pique the interest of the audience, getting potential viewers excited about an upcoming film. Teaser trailers are typically released months in advances, sometimes as much as 18 months before the expected release date of the film, and they are used to build anticipation and curiosity about the films they advertise. These trailers can be seen before feature film in some movie theaters, and they are also released onlnie and shown on television.
Classically, a teaser trailer lasts between half a minute and a minute. It may include footage from the film, often in a rough stage since the film has not been completed, or it may use entirely new source material. In some cases, a teaser is simply an abridged version of a regular movie trailer, including the film's tagline and key footage in a condensed version that is more television-friendly.
One of the most viewed and best examples of a 2013 teaser trailer is 'Anchorman 2', http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ-JX-7B3uM , reaching over 7million views and only being 1 minute long. It also does not behold any footage from the film but is instead the first information and release to the audience of the confirmation of an 'Anchorman 2'.
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