Monday, 25 November 2013


Synergy is when the interaction of two or more forces working together creates a greater effect than the sum of their indivisual efforts.

Media synergy is the way in which different elements of a media conglomerate work together to promote linked products across different media.

Synergy works when different elementswith a media conglomerate promote create linked products.

Cross media convergence and synergy is important to institutions and audiences in many ways such as production. Working Title films is part of a conglomerate with Universal Films owning 67% of Working title (Horizontal Intergration). This means they have access to a higher budget and new technology such as 3D and 4D cinema releases and better CGI effects.

Institution like Working Title have advantages of using 'Cross media convergence' to make more money in the box office, DVD sales from different countries and having better advertising methods.

Synergy is a important factor in our film as we are focusing on working with a variety of other film production, companies and funding companies to enure our film reaches our targets.

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