Sunday, 27 October 2013

Selling our film - Basics

Do you have the means to distribute directly? 

In todays society of film making, a film distributor will rarely take on a film makers first film. But with todays modern technology films can find success for almost free, such a Paranormal Activity, posted on YouTube and picked up by a director, turning over a major profit. Our film however is incredibly low funded and worth the money we ask for compared to other films as we are only asking for 50,000pounds of which would go mainly towards staff, actors, equipment and renting out locations, we feel although it is a small budget, it can still make a lot of profit.

Is there a market?

From research we have found that social realism is a lot more popular than may of been first thought, with all ages available for selling to. We then looked further into what the story lines of the films were and found that the majority is something is either 'normal' at the begin, only to go wrong and be solved again, working along with Todorov's theory as well as having Propp's character roles, or there is something wrong, it is tried to be solved, and ends up still being wrong or worse. We then realised there was a space in the market and worked our storyline around that gap.

How do you structure the release?

We plan to release our film mainly through digital technology, being the most common used thing on the internet with millions of views per day, social networking sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, and best of all they are free. Other than social networking we will take our film to film festivals such as Sundance and small independent ones around the UK. We can also sell our film through trailers, teaser trailers, posters, billboards and public transport posters, all making our film available to the public.

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